Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday March 22

Woke up to a gorgeous sunrise. I set out my coffee
making equipment last night so I wouldn't even have to
get out of the sleeping bag to make the morning cup. I
sat sipping, and watching the sun slowly light up
Gunsight Mesa. I had planned to kayak into a couple
other canyons today but in the middle of the night the
first of the easter weekend
fishers/partyers/religionists showed up. To be
followed in the morning by the invasion of the bass
boats and parade of the floating apartment buildings.
Under this onslaught, not even my well protected
illusion could survive. I turned around and headed
back to the boat ramp at Antelope Point. The placid
lake now was like the ocean in Newfoundland, the many
wakes combining to make a confused surface and one
behemoth almost swamped me.

Got back to my starting point and as I was loading up
the car, a couple from Brunswick, Maine came over to
chat. She works at LL Bean. He's a woodworker who
has moved his shop to Kaneb, Utah and they are trying
to figure out how to live together again. She's on a
6 month leave and trying to make the leap.

Treated myself to a Whopper and fries and came back to
the campground of a few days ago. There are two
Arabic speaking RV's, one German, one Korean and one I
can't make out what language they're speaking, some
slavic tongue perhaps. The young couple next door are
on spring break from Santa Clara College. He's quite
full of himself, she seems in awe but I have hopes
this week together will cure her. They've just come
from Zion and Bryce so I got some good info.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.


Unknown said...

Hi Jordan,
Sedona sounds a mite different from when we were
there 16 years ago, though already getting touristy
How's it going out there? You seem very far away, but
always finding interesting things to explore, learn about.
We had a crew over for Easter, including Margaret Benn, whose father died a couple weeks ago. Baby
Abigail is getting much bigger and a little less fussy.
Will is back from Ghana - great to have him here with
Chelsea. Nate and Amelia are still trying to find a good farming situation - they have to move out in
5 weeks or so. How's the birding? I went on one of my cruising birding outings the other day - definitely miss you! Playing lots of low-paying gigs with Swing Noire.
Take care...

Unknown said...


Hope all is well. Julie and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. We continued from Glen Canyon to the Grand Canyon, which was amazing. I hope that your adventures on your way to Colorado went well.

Happy trails,
