Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday March 7

Rode to the UofA art museum to see an exhibit of Goya
etchings that were all like today's political
cartoons, complete with an ultraliberal (and not only
for that time) bent. I sat in the middle of one of
the two galleries to read the catalogue and classical
guitar music started to play. I thought, what a nice
idea, to have recorded spanish classical guitar
playing in a Goya exhibit. Except, it was a live
guitar player. So I sat, with eyes closed, listening
to the extraordinary music, when a second guitar
started to play, a different piece of music. Then a
third. Turns out they were warming up for a recital
of the guitar section of the music school. I stayed
and listened to 8 spectacular guitarists, all college

Did a little food shopping, came back to the trailer
and spent the afternoon sitting in the sun and reading
"The Worst Hard Time", nonfiction about the dust bowl
of the 30's.

This evening I went back to the bookstore to hear an
author, Nadia Shivack, talk about her book, Inside
Out: Porait of an Eating Disorder. It's cartoons she
has drawn over the 30 years of her struggle, and very
well done. She is about to be 50, just started the
first job she's ever had, is anorexically thin, and is
so eloquent about the process of her recovery.

I've decided to stay in Tucson for a few more days as
the low temps in the places I want to see next are in
the teens and 20's. So I paid for a week, 7 days for
the price of 5, and looking forward to biking, reading
and getting to know Tucson better. Starting Sunday
evening is the annual weeklong UofA JazzFest.

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1 comment:

anne said...

very cool - the wildlife, the books, the games, the music, the company...are seeds being planted for retirement in Tucson? sounds good to me