Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday February 10

Rode the bike to Port Arensas. Serious beach town
with lots of bars and tattoo parlors but no fried
dough joints. Went birdwatching in the afternoon and
saw some I'd never seen before ("lifelisters" for you
non-avians): ruddy turnstone, long-billed curlew,
roseate spoonbill.

Visited with a guy from British Columbia who was 1.
About my age 2. single
3. Travelling in a teardrop 4. A birdwatcher 5. Had a
fancy mountain bike. But there the similarities
ended. He doesn't cook or have a cooler. He goes to
Walmarts and buys meals in pouches that can be
boiled. A very nice person. Lives near Banff. He
collected coins his whole life. Has spent the last
two years selling them on Ebay. One of his best
customers is in St. Albans.

Another kind camper from Bellingham, WA who travels
with an ohmmeter helped me fix the problem with the
battery in the Toaster not charging. However, the
lights of the car now flash continuously even when the
key is turned off. So I've disconnected the battery
cables and will call Junction Suby tomorrow morning.
He has a small fishing boat on the top of his truck
and an motorized gizmo that takes the boat and sets it
on the ground (and picks it back up again.)

Another pleasant evening. I slept with the toaster
door open last night and will again tonight.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.


Unknown said...

Hey Jordan,

Meeting someone who has 5 points of similarity
is pretty darn good. (You may not exceed that
the whole trip).

Sorry I couldn't help with the lights. Could Junction


Mary said...

Hey Jordan, I am finally on line. It took a much smarter intern to help me get this far!! More later.

anne said...

Hey Jordani - Anne here, I'm finally putting your blog onto my bookmarks, I LOVE reading it, and you are a great writer/describer. Jealousy abounds. Life at the P/CC is so much the same glad you're not there. It's been slushing and raining all day, due to freeze tonight - the fourth snowday in two weeks (I guess that's different at the P/CC.) Love, Anne