Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday February 9

Drove down to the National Seashore on Padre Island.
There's free camping right on the water. A good place
to put in the kayak. I'm paid up here til Monday,
then I'll move over there.

Bought a Coleman lantern like we had when I was
growing up. It really throws a lot of light. I've
been spoiled so far this trip with staying in
campgrounds with electricity. Time to start roughing

So I bought sushi for lunch.

Did some food shopping and cooked up a big pot of
stuff to eat for the next few days.

Finished the second of the thriller books I brought
along. A John MacDonald, Travis Gunther whodunnit,
"The Deep Blue Goodbye". A pretty pulpy standard kind
of adventure. Travis Gunther tells the story in the
first person and tries to convince the reader that he
only uses sex and violence for theraputic purposes.

Spent the afternoon on the beach. Saw a bird I'd
never seen before, royal terns: black head, a black
crown and bright orange bill, like a bad haloween
makeup job. Also saw another teardrop camped on the
beach. Bigger than mine and a great looking galley.
Nobody was home so I'll check again tomorrow.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.


Ted said...

Travis Gunther? I'm sure you mean Travis McGee. Too bad you started with Deep Blue Goodbye. That was the first (of 21) and written in 1964. I would venture to say they improve as McDonald gets a feel for the character. Try a later one. Glad you found a use for the lantern. I envy your adventures! Anon, Ted

Unknown said...

Sushi - Gumbo - Royal Terns - Camping on
the Beach???

Sounds like the life of Riley to me - up here
my back spazzed a little from shoveling 14
inches of snow.

But had a great time in NYC at Rory's 30th birthday
bash. Great blues band, New York vibes.
