Sunday, February 3, 2008

February 1

Left Okeefenokee in the rain.  Went around Talahassee down to the Florida Gulf Coast, across a 4 mile bridge and onto St. George Island.  THe state park is past what looks like a cross between Hampden Beach and the most expensive parts of Cape Cod.  It's at the end of the island and is lovely.  Spent the afternoon on teh beach.  Tshirt weather.  Very few people.

THere are no tenters in the campground.  The RV next to me has Christmas lights hung around the campsite.  It's both eerie, because there are no people to be seen, and very pleasantly quiet because all are inside their big machines.  I'm the youngest person here.

Had a nice fire tonight.  Then walked out to the beach to see the stars and hear the ocean.

Attention PCC people: I really, really like my new lantern.  It has become the chandelier over the galley, throws lots of light and recharges quickly.

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