No sun but a couple days when it didn't rain. Took
some long bike rides and went to the state park. John
the ranger is a very nice, very laid back type. I
think we'll get along fine. The park has old
conifers, very thick tops so the forest is pretty
spooky. I expect to see ROUS's (see The Princess
Bride) around every corner.
I'm sleeping in the toaster. Got a wifi modem so I
can listen to the BBC at night before falling asleep.
Getting lots of time to read. Finished a great
whodunit by Janet Evanovich called "Twelve Sharp" with
an accident prone female bounty hunter main character.
Saw a red breasted flicker and stellar's jay. Just
so some of you birders don't think I'm making up some
of these names, they don't appear in the eastern US
bird books. Find a western Sibley's and eat your
hearts out.
Went into Seattle last weekend and spent time with my
brother's old girlfriend, Kris, and got lots of
cultchah. Mostly improvisational dance. Lots of it
pretty boring. But a great video of a young couple
with an 11 month old discussing art: to my ears, how
many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The whole
time this little cutie is babbling and you get the
idea that what he has to say is more compelling than
the adult conversation. Don't know if that was the
point or not. Kris is my age (or so) but dances way
younger. She says she doesn't stuff Ibuprofen but I
don't believe her.
Saw a wonderful movie last night called A Band's Visit
about an Egyptian Police Orchestra that gets invited
to Israel to give a concert but ends up in the wrong
town. Much of it in Hebrew and Arabic but in halting
English when the Israelis and Egyptians talk to each
other. Touching but not sappy.
Got a 50 lb sack of Magic Mushroom popcorn. It was on
the doorstep when I got home from the movies last
night. Made some for breakfast. Wow. I'll send some
to the PCC.
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